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Ty Evind

Self-Acceptance Through Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation and self-acceptance go hand in hand. Practicing mindfulness meditation can be a powerful way to cultivate self-acceptance, self-love, and inner peace. This article explores how meditation helps with self-acceptance and provides a 10 minute guided meditation for learning self-acceptance.

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Self-acceptance is one of the key foundations for living a fulfilling life, yet so many of us struggle with fully accepting ourselves. We are often our own worst critic, judging ourselves harshly for our perceived flaws and shortcomings. This lack of self-acceptance can negatively impact our mental health and lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

Based on my experience in 8 years of hypnosis practice, mindfulness meditation can be a tool to help foster self-acceptance. Meditation helps bring awareness to our tendency to judge ourselves and provides an opportunity to cultivate self-compassion. A regular mindfulness practice can gradually shift our thinking patterns so that we learn to embrace ourselves just as we are.

self acceptance meditation

How Does Meditation Promote Self-Acceptance?

There are several ways that self-acceptance meditation:

Increases Self-Awareness

Meditation involves tuning inward and carefully observing our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgement. This self-observation makes us more aware of the critical inner voice and habitual thought patterns that reinforce our self-criticism.

Promotes Acceptance

As we become more aware of our self-judgement in meditation, we learn to accept rather than resist or argue with these thoughts and emotions. We recognize that they are simply mental events that will pass, and do not define who we are. This acceptance is the first step to self-acceptance.

Cultivates Self-Compassion

Meditation also helps us develop self-compassion, which is key for self-acceptance. We learn to bring kindness and understanding to ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate. Self-compassion provides an antidote to self-criticism.

Fosters Mindfulness

Additionally, mindfulness puts us in touch with the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or fretting about the future. This helps us accept ourselves as we are in this moment, rather than judging ourselves based on who we used to be or wish we could be.

Reduces Stress

By lowering stress and promoting relaxation, meditation for self-acceptance can help break the tendency for self-criticism and judgement that often arises when we feel stressed or anxious. We are kinder to ourselves when we feel calm.

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10 Minute Guided Meditation For Self-Acceptance

Now let's walk through a simple 10 minute guided meditation that is designed to foster self-acceptance:

  1. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably for 10 minutes. Turn off any distractions.

  2. Sit upright, either cross-legged on a cushion on the floor, or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands in your lap or on your knees.

  3. Gently close your eyes, or keep them half-open with a soft gaze towards the ground.

  4. Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself. Breathe in fully and exhale slowly.

  5. Bring your attention to the physical sensations of your body. Notice any tension or tightness. Intentionally relax any areas of tightness as you breathe into them.

  6. Now bring your attention to your thoughts and emotions. Observe them with curiosity and acceptance. Let go of any self-criticism or judgement that arises.

  7. Picture yourself as a small child, innocent and deserving of unconditional love. Recognize that this child lives within you. Send love to this inner child.

  8. Say silently to yourself: "I accept myself just as I am in this moment. I release any self-judgement or expectation of who I should be. I embrace myself with compassion."

  9. Repeat this phrase silently to yourself a few more times, really letting the words sink in. Notice how this makes you feel.

  10. For the last minute, simply sit and breathe with a sense of self-acceptance and loving-kindness toward yourself.

  11. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes. Reflect on your experience.

This short meditation provides a structure to begin cultivating self-acceptance. But in truth, self-acceptance is a practice - something we learn and grow through daily reflection and mindfulness. Be patient with yourself in this process. Over time, you can learn to unconditionally accept yourself.

Additional Ways To Increase Self-Acceptance

While meditation is central, there are some other supportive practices that can boost self-acceptance:

  • Keep a self-acceptance journal - Write down negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. Explore if they are true. Respond with positive, accepting affirmations for self-esteem.

  • Practice mindful movement - Gentle exercise like walking, yoga, qigong creates self-awareness and care for the body.

  • Identify your strengths - Make a list of your positive qualities, talents, and values. Refer to it when you feel inadequate.

  • Be assertive - Don't apologize for who you are. Speak up about your needs and opinions.

  • Silence your inner critic - Notice self-criticism without judgement and let the thoughts pass. Replace them with positive thoughts.

  • Set self-care priorities - Make time for relaxation, creativity, and fostering happiness. Take care of your mind and body.

  • Accept compliments - Don't deflect or make excuses when you receive appreciation. Instead say "thank you".

  • Stop comparisons - Remember that all people are unique and comparison is unhelpful. Celebrate your individuality.

  • Forgive yourself - Let go of guilt over past mistakes. Resolve to learn from failures and then move forward.

self-acceptance affirmations

Developing Self-Acceptance Is a Journey

Learning to fully accept ourselves just as we are is a challenging but rewarding journey. Be patient and kind to yourself along the way. Even small steps toward self-acceptance can make a meaningful difference in our relationship to ourselves and our quality of life. Meditation provides a supportive foundation to connect more deeply with and embrace ourselves on this path.

To summarize, key takeaways on using meditation for self-acceptance include:

  • Observe thoughts and emotions without judgment during meditation

  • Practice accepting yourself rather than resisting or arguing with your thoughts

  • Cultivate self-compassion and loving-kindness for yourself

  • Let go of self-criticism and comparison to others

  • Be in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or future

  • Repeat positive self-acceptance affirmations

  • Express acceptance through mindfulness practices like mindful movement, journaling, and self-care

The more we can accept ourselves just as we are, the more we can live with joy, peace, and purpose. May your mindfulness meditation practice help guide you to true self-acceptance.

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